Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

By participating in the IRTF, you agree to follow IRTF processes and policies. The IRTF follows the IETF Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) disclosure rules. This is a summary of the rules:

The IRTF expects that you file IPR disclosures in a timely manner, i.e., in a period measured in days or weeks, not months. The IRTF prefers that the most liberal licensing terms possible are available for IRTF Stream documents, see RFC 5743. You may file an IPR disclosure here:

See RFC 8179 (BCP 79) for definitions of “IPR” and “contribution” and for the detailed rules (substituting “IRTF” for ”IETF”). See RFC 5378 for a description of the rights contributors provide to the IETF Trust.

See reporting copyright infringement for details of how to send notification of alleged copyright infringement by the IRTF.