Notes for ANRW Organisers


The following timeline summarises the main actions to be performed by the IRTF Chair, ANRW program chairs, steering committee, and the IETF Secretariat when organising the ANRW. It is indicative, and almost certainly missing details in places.


(overlapping with the activities from the previous workshop)

  • Membership of the ANRW Steering Committee (SC) is rotated. The steering committee comprises one representative from each of the IRTF (the IRTF chair or their nominee), ACM SIGCOMM, and the IETF LLC, along with one of the TPC chairs from each of the previous three workshops.
  • The Steering Committee meets:
    • Review MoU with ACM SIGCOMM if necessary (this is usually a three-year rolling agreement)
      • Action: ACM SIGCOMM representative and IETF Secretariat to work on re-signing the MOU, with the IETF Executive Director signing on the IETF side
    • Agree to co-locate the next ANRW with July IETF Meeting
    • Select Program Chairs (two chairs, typically one from academia and one from industry)
      • Action: IRTF chair to contact candidates
  • Program chairs added to the Datatracker so they can edit the ANRW materials and given control of the anrw-tpc mailing list
    • Action: Secretariat to update datatracker, mailing list
  • Steering Committee and Program chairs to review the previous ANRW and suggest any format/administrative changes


  • The program chairs will submit a Preliminary Approval Form (PAF) to ACM.
  • The program chairs select the rest of the organizing committee and put together the Call for Papers.
  • Once the PAF is approved by ACM, the programme chairs need to submit the Technical Meeting Request Form (TMRF), which needs to have a draft budget attached to it.


  • ACM will contact the program chairs and let them know the TMRF is approved. Once officially approved, we can begin to advertise the workshop. Ideally this happens before the November IETF, so we can promote at IETF.
  • The IRTF Chair updates the IRTF / ANRW website to advertise ANRW.
  • The Program Chairs create the HotCRP instance for the workshop.


  • Program Chairs and Steering Committee meet to discuss workshop logistics. Meeting agenda to include:
    • Submissions (e.g., length of papers accepted, what forms accepted (artifacts, code, posters, etc.)
    • Sponsorships, how much funding is available to IRTF travel grants, mix of general IRTF diversity travel grants and ANRW-specific travel grants
    • Workshop duration, structure, and integration with IETF meeting
    • Workshop format, and whether ANRW will include a poster session, paper presentations, lightning talks, invited talks, etc.
  • Call for Papers (CFP) sent out by program chairs
    • Promote CFP on IRTF and IETF social media
    • Promote CFP via IRTF, IETF, and SIGCOMM announcement lists, relevant Slack Channels, etc.
  • Finalise internal working budget, once sponsorship funds are confirmed.


  • IRTF Chair promotes workshop at IETF Plenary and during IRTF Open Meeting
  • Program chairs send final reminders re CFP just after the IETF


  • Deadline for paper submissions is typically mid-April; reviewing starts
  • Registration for the workshop opens (Important Dates)
  • IRTF Diversity Travel Grant applications open:
    • Action: IRTF chair to update website with dates; IRTF Chair and Program Chairs to advertise
    • Action: Secretariat to collate the applications into Google Drive and notify the IRTF travel grant selection committee once applications close. The selection committee will have a few days to review and approve the applications with their priority list; IETF Secretariat then manages the travel grant logistics.


  • Programme chairs to send notification of Acceptance of Papers to authors in mid-May. Communicate workshop needs to IETF Secretariat regarding agenda scheduling, space requirements, meeting logistics.


  • Deadline for final version of papers (known as “camera-ready” versions). Once program chairs receive the papers, they submit to ACM.


  • ANRW takes place colocated with the July IETF Meeting
  • Prior to ANRW, ACM sends paper links to program chairs that bypasses the paywall (ACM calls these the “OpenTOC” links) for access from the workshop website. The program chairs add these links to the ANRW program page on the IRTF website
  • Proceedings, created by ACM, will be available from the ACM digital library on the first day of the workshop
  • ANRW recordings are made available on the IETF YouTube channel


  • Submit the ANRW report to ACM:
    • Summary report of the workshop (1-page) which is prepared by a program chair using the previous year’s report as a template
    • List of attendees, pulled from ANRW registration, with ACM membership number included when possible (AI: Secretariat)
    • List of travel grant recipients, if any ANRW-specific travel grants were offered (AI: Secretariat)
    • List of corporate donations received (AI: Secretariat)
    • Financial statement, which is a worksheet that includes the final financial report (in ACM’s template), the list of ANRW-specific travel grant recipients with tax IDs, the list of sponsors with the amount donated (AI: LLC CFO)
      • Secretariat to get tax-ID from all grantees
    • Procedure for Closing Conference Finances